The time has come to celebrate everyone's favorite deliciously greasy and indulgent comfort food: fried chicken. Get your feed buckets out and prepare to party fried chicken style with these fabulous finds.
Yet another E. Coli outbreak graced the country earlier this week resulting in over 80 tons of precious ground beef being pulled from supermarket shelves. Anyone that has suffered through E. Coli or food poisoning, in general, knows that it's no laughing matter. That doesn't mean you can't have any fun while you're locked in the bathroom for 24-48 hours, though!
The month of April has more going on than a Kardashian's personal assistant. So much to do! So many things to celebrate! Tax Day, Haiku Poetry Day, Arbor Day... the list goes on and on but the bottom line is that April really knows how to party.
Ready or not (Irish or not) tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day when we are ALL at least a little bit Irish. Jump in on the deliciously indecent St. Patrick's Day fun with these fantastic off-color finds.
In case you missed the breaking news earlier this week: a Golden Girls-themed cruise is FINALLY happening and it to set sail one year from tomorrow. Here's how to prepare properly.
Seeing as how tomorrow is Random Acts of Kindness Day, go ahead and treat yourself or a fellow lonely loser to some of the best random and sweet surprises that booze-fueled spending can offer.
Let’s be real. It’s Spouse’s Day… whatever that is (last I checked it was called an “Anniversary”). If you’re in your mid-30’s and still file your taxes as "single", you’re probably looking for a great distraction right about now.