April is Scottish-American Heritage Month and April 17th just so happens to be the birthday of the one, the only: Rowdy Roddy Piper. Although the late Hot Rod was Canadian-born, his Scottish heritage always shined through and I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to sing his praises and try to encourage others to do the same.

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credit: Amazon

Scottish Royal Stewart Tartan Kilt

Perhaps the most quintessential Scottish/Rowdy Roddy Piper item out there is a tartan kilt. Whether you're caber tossing or delivering an inverted atomic drop in the ring you are going to look absolutely stunning in this Royal Stewart number. There is a more modestly priced option available but do you really want to skimp on style?


credit: Amazon
credit: Amazon

WWE Men's Hot Rod Ringer Logo T-Shirt

Roddy Piper will always be known as the greatest villain wrestler ever despite the fact that he was actually a really great guy outside the WWE. His trademark "Scottish rage" earned him the "Hot Rod" epithet and we need to make sure this legend never dies, people. You can opt for just the signature ringer t-shirt or go all out with the Hot Rod! Costume Set. Either way, wear it loud and wear it proud.


credit: Amazon
credit: Amazon

WWE Legends Series Performa Perfect Shaker

Shake up that smoothie like Roddy Piper shook up Hulk Hogan before entering the ring. This leak-free, BPA-free shaker is shatter resistant (much like Rowdy), dishwasher safe (probably much like Rowdy), and jonesing to help you let everyone know just how much you love Hot Rod!


credit: Amazon
credit: Amazon

WWE Born To Controversy: The Rowdy Roddy Piper Story

If you've read this far you were probably already familiar with Rowdy Roddy Piper from the get-go. However, if you are in the dark on this absolute legend you can easily get caught up (and become a big huge fan) by watching 'Born to Controversy'. If you prefer reading to streaming Rowdy: The Roddy Piper Story covers all of the same bases.


credit: Amazon
credit: Amazon

They Live Tin Lunch Box

If you have never seen John Carpenter's They Live you need to remedy that as soon as humanly possible. Rowdy stars in this cult masterpiece and, holy moly, is he stunning. From the classic "I'm all out of bubble gum" quote to the impressive six-minute-long fight scene, this film will make you fall in love with Hot Rod. Be warned that it may cause you to rethink some things about society but this awesome tin tote will make you feel better about all of that.

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